思齐Spread - 条款和条件 


Terms of Service 

Terms of Service
The terms are to encourage better service and comply with anti-spam regulations.

Anti-spam Policy
For email recipients, ISPs and blacklist administrators

Reasonable has no compromise on spam policy. User account will be suspended if unsolicited emails are sent. To report suspected abuse, write to abuse@reasonables.com or call +1 (408) 426-8224 (US) or +852 3520-4490 (Hong Kong).
If applicable, click unsubscribe link from the email sent from Spread user. Appropriate action will be taken against the sender of suspected abuse.

For Spread users

All Spread users must agree to only sending permission-based email messages after signup. All recipients sent to must have opted-in to receive emails from the sender.
Opt-in can be from online signup form or physical sign-up form. The opt-in form should state clearly what will be sent and how often it will be sent. Spread users can send emails to customers but it is recommended to limit to the those customers in the last 12 moths. Purchased list may not be sent from Spread.

As a Spread user, you may not:

harvest emails from web sites
purchase lists (whether they are opt-in or not)
have a pre-checked field on your subscription form
have a subscription form that subscribes users to an unrelated list
send out unrelated offers or unrelated content to your newsletter list
add an email address into a list without the subscriber's permission
email someone who has requested to be removed from your list

You may:

send out a regular newsletter to a recipient who has opted-in to receive it
send out information and content to recipients who have requested to receive content on that topic from your organization

Cancellation and Refund Policy
At any time, both party can cancel a user account for any reason.
To cancel the user account of Spread, write email to spread@reasonables.com. Payments made are not refundable except duplicate payments. Subscription to our service is pre-paid, cancellation in the middle of subscription period will be effective in the end of the subscription period. A confirmation email from Spread login email address is required to complete the cancellation.